Monday, November 3, 2008

So Many Things to Do

There are so many things to do right at this time and I have to always haggle with it every time I am caught up in the midst of two things. I have to meet all deadlines and finish everything before I set off to back home soon. My magic number is dwindling faster than expected now that I why I am trying to work everything out while making the best out of teaching these cute monsters urgh! Smiles. I would surely miss them all. Oh well there is always time to think things over and maybe I'd come back and teach for a shorter time just to see them. These cute monsters make me happy and feel contented in life. They sent me to heaven when they were so great in class I could fly into the clouds like I made it through a hole of needle. Nevertheless, we had bad times though when they would act as complete bastards in the class which made me think to give up on them but NO was the answer for they are so adorable I can't help to let go. As one girl in one of my elementary weekend classes told me once, 'Please teacher, don't give up on us.' She was so sincere when she said it with her friend. She could speak English pretty well and we just talked right after class and it so happened that day was quite a bad time for us. Smiles. After all, what matters most is the happiness I feel within me whenever I see my kids learn and grow with me. These are the things I would smile at and tell to my grandchildren when I grow old. Smiles.

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